About Flokie


He is an orange tabby (Ginger) kitty approximately 5 years old. We don’t know his exact age. The lady we got hime from (along with his brother Salem) didn’t know his exact age. She kept no records of them. At least she never gave us any records. She had emotional and financial problems. She placed an ad in the Next Door app. I found the ad and started corresponding with her. After about a month of back and forth, she gave them to us. We are so glad she did. They were overweight and their fur smelled of cigerette smoke. It took months for my wife and me to detox Flokie and Salem. Now they are happy and healthy boys!

Flokie is a good natured cat. He, like all the gingers, can get fiesty, sometimes. He and Salem scuffle now and then, but nothing at all serious. They are best buds! He also likes to slap our other cats while waiting for food to be prepared. Just a fun loving feisty ginger boy!